This film follows four Oxford University students as they embark on an epic, unsupported journey across the island of Svalbard, a deserted and barren icy wilderness in the north of Scandinavia. Battling 1...
3 Episodes
Speed Kills
With their supercars, rockets and supersonic jets, humans believe they are the masters of speed – but the natural world puts our metallic speed demons to shame. ‘Speed Kills’ explores savannahs, jungles a...
5 Episodes
A Year In The Wild
This series looks at some of the greatest wildlife events taking place on our planet throughout the course of the year. From Antarctica to Indonesia, compelling stories are captured in stunning high defin...
3 Episodes
Marco Polo – A Very Modern Journey
In this three part series we retrace Marco Polo’s legendary journey from Venice to the far reaches of the Mongol Empire, which he started in 1271. His travels 700 years ago revealed an exotic world...
2 Episodes
India's New Worlds
India is the most populous country in the world, yet not long ago, it had large wilderness areas with immense herds of spectacular mammals to rival anything Africa had to offer. Now with 1.2 billion peopl...