”Wild North” moves through three biotopes; vast forests, rugged coastline and interior highlands shaped by shifting ice ages. These landscapes resonate deep within the Scandinavian soul, floating into vie...
5 Episodes
A Year In The Wild
This series looks at some of the greatest wildlife events taking place on our planet throughout the course of the year. From Antarctica to Indonesia, compelling stories are captured in stunning high defin...
6 Episodes
Diamond River Hunters
A team of mavericks have staked $500,000 to set up a mining operation high in the mountains of Lesotho. They must deal with brutal weather, terrible terrain, tribal politics and fiery tempers, riski...
12 Episodes
Bushfire Wars
Bushfires are common throughout Australia in the hot summer months. This compelling series reveals the daily activities of an elite team of dedicated firefighters as they wage a relentless battle ag...
3 Episodes
Speed Kills
With their supercars, rockets and supersonic jets, humans believe they are the masters of speed – but the natural world puts our metallic speed demons to shame. ‘Speed Kills’ explores savannahs, jungles a...