Zimbabwe is well known for having some of the most stunning and diverse national parks in Africa. This fast-paced series, hosted by Karina Holmes, explores the thriving wildlife found in these areas of re...
6 Episodes
Capture Wild School
Once a year in Malilangwe, Zimbabwe, students from a variety of different nations gather to learn the art of darting and tranquilising wild animals from some of the most legendary wildlife vets on earth....
1 Episodes
River King
Over the decades, extreme angler Wim Seffelaar has explored some of the remotest rivers in Africa. Now he is on a quest to catch one of the most iconic and elusive of all African river fish – the legendar...
5 Episodes
Big Five Challenge 2
This action-filled reality series provides many dramatic moments as six fashion model contestants from around the world get up close and personal with some of Africa’s most dangerous animals.
6 Episodes
Red Mist Killers – Season 2
‘Red Mist Killers’ examines six murders which took place in quiet and remote parts of Ireland. From land feuds to hate crimes the series examines the circumstances behind the offences and what prompts peo...