When the surf is good, orcas enjoy themselves just as much humans do, it seems. 

This clip of a male orca bombing down the line was filmed by Stefan Bienert, who spotted the killer whale off the coast of Pungarehu in New Zealand. While it's possible the orca was simply feeding in the shallows, like many other dolphin species (yes, orcas are dolphins!), these animals are known to surf for fun. 

"They’ll often come right out of the back of the waves and breach out into the trough that follows behind, and that’s really exciting to see,” orca biologist Dr Ingrid Visser told GrindTV when a similar wave rider was spotted in the area back in 2010

And it doesn't stop there. Cetaceans have even been known to surf in each other's wakes! Check out this mom-and-baby pair:

Whale Related Content 2016 02 05


Top header image: Bob Jensen/Flickr