Fridays usually mean you're counting down the hours to pizza and a Walking Dead marathon, right? Not if you're PhD student Catherine Scott, who spent her past Friday afternoon observing a spider mating marathon – and live-tweeting the whole process.
Scott is studying courtship behaviour and sexual communication in black widow spiders at the University of Toronto, and last Friday saw her holed up in a campus lab that houses a breeding colony of these infamous arachnids. Once she'd set up special "mating arenas" for a few of her eight-legged subjects (three males and three females), all that remained to do was sit back and wait for the action – and maybe tweet about it.
So... what are y'all up to?
I'm waiting for some spiders to get it on, & they are taking their sweet time #science
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
Scott's blow-by-blow account of the spiders' elaborate courtship rituals quickly drummed up interest from curious arachnid fans. "Since I was waiting around hoping to catch the spiders in the act, I thought I would tweet a bit," Scott tells CBC News. "I guess the weird and wonderful behaviour of black widows that originally got me hooked was also intriguing to folks following along."
For those unfamiliar with how spider sex plays out, what followed during the course of the afternoon was a fascinating lesson in 140-letter increments – and also solid proof that sometimes spiders like to take their sweet time.
Despite what seemed to be a perfectly romantic setting, Scott's male black widow spiders started off in a pretty reluctant mood, apparently more interested in self-grooming than getting it on. And that made for a lot of false starts.
oh we've got super sexy red lighting up in here. And the romantic buzz of the laboratory air circulation. @slang4201
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
oh wait no, the first male to make contact has taken a step back, and is now engaged in some serious self-grooming.
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
can you blame them for wanting to be well groomed before approaching a female who's ~ 100x their size? @Hawaiianimages
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
But amid all the highs and lows, there was still plenty of excitement:
MALE #1 IS THROWING SILK ON THE FEMALE! this is where it starts to get exciting, folks. The 'bridal veil' is happening!!!!
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
I have high hopes for male #1. He's going to mount the female any time now, I can feel it.
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
OH WAIT! Male #3 is back in the game! He's moving across the web!
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
Everything is happening all at once! 1 is making contact with the female. The tip of one tarsus is on her abdomen!
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
And a few rookie errors:
that is the wrong direction, male 3! the female is the other way!!
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
Male # 1 appears to be having trouble navigating the web, and drops down suddenly on a dragline.
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
As well as everything you ever wanted to know about black widow reproductive anatomy, sperm transfer tactics, cannibalistic habits (or lack thereof) and other fun spider facts – and then some.
This is what the male black widow's copulatory organs look like (photo by @MikeHrabar)
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
The cool thing about spiders is that their sperm transfer organs (pedipalps) are totally separate from their gonads, where sperm is produced
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
As for entertaining contributions to Scott's live commentary, Twitter users didn't let us down (and we'd expect nothing less).
@Cataranea This movie keeps coming to mind. :P
— Sarah Langer (@qtflies) October 23, 2015
@Cataranea Good to know I'm not the only one having trouble with web-based dating :D
— Hannah Davis (@UrbanArthropods) October 26, 2015
Disappointingly, the mating marathon was a bit of an, er, anti-climax. Aside from the unfortunate death of one of the male spiders (no, he wasn't eaten by a would-be mate), not a single victorious matting attempt took place – but here's hoping the next session is more successful.
Spider non-performance aside, it was still a Friday well spent as far as Scott is concerned.
behavioural ecologists take note:
today I learned live-tweeting long & boring observations of behaviour results in bunch of new followers.
— Catherine Scott (@Cataranea) October 23, 2015
Top header image: Marc Matteo, Flickr