This, for those of you who are wondering, is the spotted skunk version of intimidating your enemies. And it requires mastering the art of the handstand walk.

We, for one, are terrifically intimidated.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a ..........spotted skunk? Like the other three groups of skunks, spotted skunks are capable of spraying a strong unpleasant scent as a form of defense. But before spraying, spotted skunks will sometimes go into a handstand and attempt to intimidate any would be aggressors like this wildlife camera, placed in Happy Valley.Biotech Nic Perkins NPS video

Posted by Saguaro National Park on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The skunk's display was caught on camera in Saguaro National Park in southern Arizona, and posted to its Facebook page last week.

"Like the other three groups of skunks, spotted skunks are capable of spraying a strong unpleasant scent as a form of defense. But before spraying, spotted skunks will sometimes go into a handstand and attempt to intimidate any would-be aggressor," writes the Saguaro team.

In this case, the part of formidable "aggressor" was played by a wildlife camera. We're pretty sure it too was suitably intimidated.  

Top header image: Pat Gaines, Flickr