This Canadian family seem to have missed the memo about a pool party at their British Columbia home recently. The unexpected attendee? A passing black bear!
Wildlife officials were keeping an eye on the bear, which had been previously tagged, as it took a much-needed dip. "It’s just amazing," recalls homeowner Tony Diering. "You see funny things [like this] on YouTube ... but never happening in your own backyard."
British Columbia boasts one of the highest populations of black bears in the world, with numbers reaching upwards of 120,000 animals. "Pretty much all of BC is considered bear country," explains the British Columbia Conservation Organisation. "Since we typically put our homes, cities, ranches and farms in prime bear habitat, it stands to reason that there will be an opportunity for conflict with these animals."
We have to commend Diering for being responsible, and not engaging the bear during the encounter. "We're worried about the bear's safety," he says. "I hope that he’ll just go eat some berries in the mountains instead."
This isn't the first time a bear has visited these parts: just a month earlier, Diering spotted a black bear stealing a snack from his bird feeder. Whether or not this sneaky swimmer is the same animal remains a mystery.
Top header image: Chris Harrison/Flickr