In case you require further proof that seals are really just dogs of the sea, take a look at this cheeky hitchhiker that was recently filmed soaking up some sun after climbing atop a paddleboard that was clearly already occupied:
Cenk Albayrak-Touye was enjoying a causal paddle around Poole Harbour in Dorset, England when an inquisitive seal swam over and plonked itself purposefully on the front of his paddleboard. The pinniped is apparently known to locals and regularly "hitchhikes" – sometimes falling asleep on paddleboards and rarely paying too much heed to the humans from whom it commandeers its vessels. After a short while, the seal – known as "Sammy" to regulars at the harbour – slipped into the water and swam away.
"I have only ever seen a glimpse of a seal so this was the last thing I expected," the novice paddleboarder told The Daily Mail. While such close encounters with wild animals are not recommended, there wasn't much Albayrak-Touye could have done to avoid the encounter. Keeping calm and letting the seal move off on its own was likely the best strategy.