What's cuter than a baby bear? Nothing. And that's why this selection of mini-bear photos from photographer John Marriott will have you saying 'awww' over and over and over again.

Armed with old an Instamatic camera and a whole lot of gusto, Marriott started photographing the Canadian landscape and its furry inhabitants when he was just 6 years old. Since then his equipment list has grown a touch and so has his photographic ability. Having spent countless hours in parks in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta and British Columbia, Marriott has carved out a niche as an expert when it comes to photographing Canada's wildlife. Author of numerous photography books and a regular contributor for Outdoor Photography Canada magazine, Marriott now works as a full-time photographer, also teaching his craft to budding shutterbugs in places like the Queen Charlotte Islands, the Great Bear Rainforest and the edges of Hudson Bay in Nunavut. Not bad for someone who's never had formal training!

His baby bear photos really caught out attention and, with his permission, we're sharing our favourites here. Connect with Marriott on his Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram or on his website.

Eat Your heart out, miley

Baby Bear 2014 11 25

look me in the eyes and tell me i'm not adorable 

Baby Black Bear 2014 11 25

Because Two bears are better than one

Baby Bears 2014 11 25

a little soaked & grumpy but still darn cute

Baby Bear On Rock 2014 11 25

perfect poser

Baby Bear On Rock 2 2014 11 25

The grass is always greener with a baby bear

Baby Bear In Grass 2014 11 25

Just hanging out

Baby Bear Portrait 2014 11 25

Warning: approaching critical cuteness 

Baby Bear In Grass Portrait 2014 11 25

family outing

Baby Bears With Mom 2014 11 25

caution: slow down for bear cubs crossing

Baby Black Bears With Mom 2014 11 25