Not since Lady Gaga wore a barbecue to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards has a dress caused so much controversy. We assume you’ve all seen it by now – that striped monster that has somehow split the internet into two aggressive camps (if not, you'll find it to your left). Even the online team here at Earth Touch was sucked into the debate (although I’m not really sure why, the dress is quite obviously blue and black). As it turns out, this online war is actually one of primal biology. It has to do with the way human eyes have evolved to see colour and the way our brains perceive objects in a sunlit world.
Caitlin McNeill, who originally posted the image on Tumblr, claims the dress is blue and black ... but try telling that to the folks in the ‘white/gold’ camp. As the debate rages on, you might find yourself sinking into an existential pit of doubt over this demon dress. Is the dress even real? Am I even real? As you reel with despair, we figured you could use some certainty to bring you back down to earth. So ... these ten animals are without a doubt either blue and black or white and gold, not both (except that last one, that’s a perfect blend of all four).
First, the black and blues ...
Now the white and gold ...
And for the grand finale, the perfect blend ...
Top header image: Bernard DUPONT