Sleep-deprived hyena moms get grumpy, too
The youngsters of any species are active creatures that bother their mother ... so just how patient are hyaena moms when their cubs interrupt a comfy...
11 years agoFrom YouTuber Jonathan Fletcher comes this awesome footage of one of our favourite baby-animal behaviours. During the first few weeks of life, baby swans (called cygnets) pile on their parents (yes, dad too!) for warmth and protection.
It's an impressive feat, but swans aren't the only animals that put their backs into child rearing. A female waterbug, for example, will actually 'glue' her brood (up to 150 eggs at a time!) onto the back of her mate.
1 1 It's ... a 'swandola'!
The youngsters of any species are active creatures that bother their mother ... so just how patient are hyaena moms when their cubs interrupt a comfy...
11 years agoIf the New York state gets its way, the entire population of wild mute swans will be eliminated by 2025.
10 years agoA feather duster might not look like a vulture to us, but for a newly hatched condor chick it's close enough...
10 years ago