As the so-called Godzilla El Niño sends warm waters up America's Pacific coast, a host of marine life is coming along for the ride. Small fish are moving north in search of food, and their predators are following close behind. Scalloped hammerheads have made big news lately, but unfortunately (albeit not surprisingly), the media portrayal of these endangered animals hasn't been stellar.
In a move that warms the cockles of our shark-loving hearts, fisherman Dylan Marks, the kayaker who was "attacked by a hammerhead" off the California coast back in September, has spoken out in support of the shark he encountered. Through this video, Marks aims to set the story straight about what happened, and to dispel any panic the event may have sparked.
"It was no attack," he says. "I would do anything to undo any fear or damage that I've done."
The video, which was produced by SharkAllies for the #RespectNotFear campaign, illustrates just how important it is to take the media's portrayal of sharks with a grain of salt. Yes, sharks are top predators and should be respected always, but they are not the man-eating monsters we have painted them to be. In fact, hammerheads are notoriously shy, elusive creatures and are particularly sensitive to fishing stress.
"I don't fish for sharks any more," says Marks. "Not because I'm afraid, but because I respect them."