Leopard Camp Inspector
You'd hardly expect a leopard to join you at the breakfast table, but when you're camping in Botswana, it comes with the territory.
11 years ago
You'd hardly expect a leopard to join you at the breakfast table, but when you're camping in Botswana, it comes with the territory.
11 years agoWe teamed up with the Environmental Investigation Agency to create this fact-packed infographic video about the growing threat posed by wildlife and...
11 years agoAs far as catchy, curiosity-inducing YouTube video titles are concerned, “Lion Cub Stuck in Buffalo Butt” ranks pretty high up there.
13 years agoWhat could be cuter than an African wild dog making friends with a few young hyenas? If the scenario sounds a little unusual, that's because it is!
12 years agoOh, yes. And we have photos to prove it. Photographer Alison Buttigieg catches the feline invaders in the act while camping out in Botswana.
11 years agoA while ago, an Earth Touch crew was preparing to embark on a pretty crazy mission: diving in the Okavango Delta to film Nile crocodiles in their...
13 years agoTo mark World Lion Day and pay homage to Africa's most royal felines, here's a little photographic look at the complex family unit that is the lion...
11 years agoNews that the South African government plans to back a legal trade in rhino horn has sparked some heated debate. We ask conservation economist Michael...
11 years agoGetting up close with nature is all fine and well, but this might be a little too close!
11 years agoIs it a toy? Is it a plane? Is it a solution? It may look small and inconspicuous, but it just might help conservationists win a big and bloody war:...
11 years ago