Shark Bites: Roundup of recent shark hunts caught on camera
Rest assured that, at any given point in time, somewhere a shark is eating something.
5 days agoRest assured that, at any given point in time, somewhere a shark is eating something.
5 days agoAcross the world, fewer than 280 megamouth sharks have ever been seen. The first sighting in east Africa has just come to light.
6 months agoThis encounter “is not like anything I’ve ever seen”.
7 months agoA good way to make that kayak you’re nestled in feel super-small? Add an amped-up great white shark to the mix.
11 months agoNothing draws in a gaggle of sharks like a dead whale.
one year agoSpots are in.
one year agoWe're going to need a bigger boat.
one year agoSharks are much more severely threatened by humans than vice versa. A marine biologist explains how people can help protect sharks and why some...
one year agoNo cameras (or sharks) were harmed in the making of this clip.
2 years agoResearchers have discovered that great white sharks are more social than previously thought.
2 years agoGnarly, dude.
2 years agoA squat shark with a piglike face has been popping up all over social media lately.
2 years agoYes, this was an attempted attack by a hammerhead. No, the human wasn't the target.
3 years agoSharks grow slowly and produce few young compared to bony fishes. In many cases, this means that their populations are fished out faster than can be...
3 years agoSharks having a whale of a time.
3 years ago