Tigers in South Africa: a farming industry exists – often for their body parts
Tigers exist in South Africa because they’re being intensively farmed for commercial trade in live individuals or their body parts.
2 years agoTigers exist in South Africa because they’re being intensively farmed for commercial trade in live individuals or their body parts.
2 years agoA sad end for a rarely seen animal.
2 years agoProposals to resume international trade in ivory and rhino horn were rejected this week.
2 years agoA study out of Vietnam digs into the thorny issue of a legal horn trade.
3 years agoIn a mini-documentary series actor and model Djimon Hounsou takes viewers on a journey across Africa to learn about the many threats pangolins face.
3 years agoA new study digs into the market for endangered and threatened snakes, revealing threats to both species and human health.37
4 years agoOnce a purely conservation issue, the illegal wildlife trade is now considered a threat to public health and the economy.
4 years agoLet's not jump to conclusions.
5 years agoThe slaughtered tigers were not bred in zoos, yet their story should put captive breeding in general into question.
6 years agoNew regulations for the protection of threatened devil rays are coming into force this month.
7 years agoSongbirds on Cyprus are being poached in record numbers.
7 years agoThe carcass of "Satao 2" was found during a routine aerial patrol in Kenya's Tsavo East National Park.
7 years agoUnless science allows us to resurrect the subspecies, Sudan, Najin and Fatu are the last northern white rhinos the world will ever see.
7 years agoThe numbers are shocking.
8 years agoFitting a GPS collar around the neck of the earth's largest land mammal is – no surprise here – a pretty hefty task.
8 years ago